war chest

美 [ˈwɔːr tʃest]英 [ˈwɔː tʃest]
  • n.专款;专用款项

复数: war chests

war chestwar chest


an amount of money that a government or an organization has available to spend on a particular plan, project, etc.

war chest


  • 1
    N-COUNT (为竞选等筹措的)专用资金,专款
    A war chest is a fund to finance a project such as a political campaign.

    Governor Caperton has the largest campaign war chest.



a fund accumulated to finance a war (or a political campaign)


  1. Governor Caperton has the largest campaign war chest .


  2. You 'll get paid more for that than for building a war chest of cash .


  3. Dollars had been steadily flooding into the British war chest .


  4. I can 't compete with Sancorp 's war chest .


  5. China has a war chest of foreign exchange reserves that it finds difficult dispense .


  6. The winner gets a billion dollar war chest .


  7. War chest ( fund of money collected to pay for a war or some other campaign )


  8. The fundraisers would have brought in millions of dollars for the re-election war chest , the campaign official said .


  9. He appealed to wealthy Muslims around the world to donate funds to a war chest to fight the United States .


  10. All you need is a multi-billion dollar war chest , nerves of titanium , and a brilliant , analytical mind .


  11. International private equity firms are estimated to have a combined war chest for the region , including leverage , of more than $ 100bn .


  12. Because in the world of College endowments , the size of your proverbial war chest equates to your amount of prestige .


  13. Container , intermodal , for transport of live animals war chest ( fund of money collected to pay for a war or some other campaign )


  14. Alibaba Pictures has a sizeable war chest for investment , which will swell further as the company recently sought to raise $ 1.6 billion .


  15. That helped him become a millionaire and build the war chest to fund his newfound interest in collecting art , mainly classical paintings and antiques .


  16. Noting the $ 18 billion war chest in its possession , the private equity giant Blackstone Group said it would look for opportunities in the market turmoil .


  17. Talks of a deal between Didi and Uber grew serious in recent weeks , after Didi 's war chest had been filled .


  18. CIC 's offshore investment war chest of about $ 90bn and increasing activity make it a honey-pot for investment banks desperate to provide advice and show deal ideas .


  19. Google , says Mueller , may be hoping to show its manufacturing partners at this critical juncture that it has a patent war chest equal to Apple ' s.


  20. We are not going to pay top dollar , [ but ] there is a corporate war chest , and we are encouraged to come forward with sensible nominations or ideas .


  21. Many entrepreneurs and managers often dream and quip of the endless business possibilities we would have if only we had the flexibility of a huge financial war chest at our disposal .


  22. Weiner has spent $ 100000 on polling research and still has millions more in his campaign war chest , but acknowledges that some voters will never forgive him .


  23. Thankfully , Japan has a war chest of liquid assets at its disposal : its authorities have been carefully stockpiling foreign exchange reserves ( mostly US Treasuries ) for years .


  24. They are estimated to have a total of $ 25bn intended for the region , which with leverage provides a war chest for deals in excess of $ 100bn .


  25. The threat posed by Uber 's rapid expansion and its well-funded war chest has raised the stakes for local competitors in markets ranging from China to India and Southeast Asia .


  26. With a war chest of about $ 200m , Mr Yu is determined to open more schools across China and diversify beyond language training , with maths soon to be added to the curriculum .


  27. However , private equity groups have amassed a war chest of tens of billions of dollars to invest in Asia , and claim they are prepared to deploy capital as fast as conditions allow .


  28. IQiyi , the only Chinese service that licenses shows from Netflix Inc , needs to build up its war chest as it battles rival platforms run by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd and Tencent Holdings Ltd.


  29. The party headed by Burmese prime minister Thein Sein is looking to recruit half of Burma 's eligible voters to its membership , which would swell its support base and elections war chest .


  30. Didi Chuxing , the Chinese ride hailing app , said it had received a $ 600m investment from China Life , the country 's largest insurer , further buttressing its war chest for its battle with US rival Uber .
